Virgo Moon Compatibility

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Virgo Moon compatibility with Aries Moon

Virgo Moon with Aries Moon

Virgo Moon and Aries Moon can make a relationship work, but it may take some effort on the part of both people. They get along fairly well most of the time until circumstances cause them to react. This is what brings out their differences. Virgo and Aries both need to try to work in harmony.

Passionate Aries likes to jump right into things and take chances. They are enthusiastic and loud. Stable Virgo, on the other hand, prefers to analyze the situation first and draw up a plan. They are sensitive and tend to worry. While Aries is bossy, Virgo is critical. They may allow the tension to grow between them or grow impatient with each other. They both approach life's situations very differently. This may end up causing so much irritation the relationship is unsalvageable.

Aries Moon will tend to burst out with their anger, which in turn will make Virgo Moon nervous and sensitive. Virgo's perfectionist ways will bring criticism down on Aries, as they really don't care if they make mistakes along the way. These criticisms can prove to be very discouraging to Aries, who needs to feel loved and supported to maintain their enthusiasm.

If Virgo Moon and Aries Moon are to make a go of it, Aries needs to share their creative ideas and allow Virgo to help bring them to fruition.

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Virgo Moon Compatibility with Taurus Moon

Virgo Moon with Taurus Moon

Virgo Moon and Taurus Moon are extremely compatible. They have a great deal of respect and understanding for each other. Taurus is stable and pragmatic; Virgo is practical and attends to detail. They are made for each other. Both partners are cautious and approach new things slowly. They both enjoy working with nature and natural materials. Both are concerned about how change will affect them.

Their differences lie in how they react. While Taurus Moon will forge ahead once they commit to an idea, Virgo Moon will constantly second guess and criticize their choice. The worrying done by Virgo will be comforted by Taurus' steadiness and emotional stability. Taurus, in turn, helps Virgo to relax and become more instinctual. Virgo Moon may become annoyed with the lackadaisical way that Taurus Moon leaves things all over the house.

Overall, however, this is a happy and content pairing. They meet each others' needs for intimacy and pleasant company. They will be most content in the country or if they are able to grow a garden or at least go camping frequently. They have a need to interact with nature in some way. This pairing should do very well with minimal effort.

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Virgo Moon Compatibility with Gemini Moon

Virgo Moon with Gemini Moon

Virgo Moon and Gemini Moon are not very well matched, though they can make it work if they are dedicated to the relationship. There will be challenges in this pairing. One of the pair must compromise to overcome the irritations created by these personalities.

Gemini Moon is restless and wants new challenges and ideas. They love to socialize and meet new people. Virgo Moon is a perfectionist who isn't afraid to work hard to get what they want. They are talented with details and organizing. Gemini Moon is superficial and optimistic; Virgo Moon is pessimistic and critical. They have a strong sense of responsibility and service to others. Gemini will take on more projects than they can handle easily and often leaves them unfinished. Virgo also takes on many projects, but they work on one at a time until they are finished down to every meticulous detail.

Both partners may find themselves stretched thin from overwork. Virgo Moon will take it upon themselves to bring nutritious foods and healthy habits into the relationship. They find it irritating when things are out of place. They are more disciplined than Gemini and they want to improve themselves. Gemini Moon finds it easier to relax and play than Virgo does. They do share a passion for word games and other knowledge challenges. It will take work, but they could make a lasting relationship out of this if they try.

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Virgo Moon Compatibility with Cancer Moon

Virgo Moon with Cancer Moon

Virgo Moon and Cancer Moon make great friends as well as a great couple; they are loyal to each other and they have a great respect and understanding for each other. This will most likely be a successful, long term relationship.

Virgo Moon and Cancer Moon are both moody and are conscious of their health. They do everything with caution, and tend to be quiet and unassuming. They make a terrific domestic partnership because Cancer takes care of the home and Virgo takes care of working to earn money. They express love differently… Cancer is tender, compassionate and sympathetic while Virgo chooses to express their love through practical acts like fixing the car or cooking a meal. Virgo tends to be somewhat judgmental of themselves and everyone else while Cancer is more accepting of others and their situations. Both are patient and tend to accumulate their security gradually.

Virgo Moon can be difficult to live with due to their fussiness about proper behavior, cleanliness, hygiene and so forth. They get irritated by those who cannot live up their standards. Virgo also turns this harsh standard on themselves, however, which can make them feel inadequate. Cancer can help Virgo learn self-acceptance and self-love. They can help them to relax and enjoy themselves. With all of Cancer's emotional roller coasters, they can really appreciate Virgo's devotion and faithfulness as a rock to cling to.

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Virgo Moon with Leo Moon

Virgo Moon with Leo Moon

Virgo Moon and Leo Moon have about a fifty-fifty chance of making their relationship work. Negative feelings that come up may feel stronger in this pairing. While they share many outlooks, they respond differently.

Virgo Moon and Leo Moon are two sides of the same coin in a way. While Leo is dramatic, seeking attention and glory, Virgo is quiet, reserved and content to be in the background. Leo wants to show their feelings in grand gestures while Virgo prefers to show their feelings in quiet, practical ways. Leo is a bit lazy, funny and playful and Virgo is hardworking, disciplined and organized. Leo wants praise; Virgo gives criticism. While both partners value family and a good home life, they approach it differently. Leo sees their home and family as a reflection of themselves, while Virgo views it as an opportunity to strive for perfection through service.

Problems may stem from Leo's need for recognition and approval while Virgo's critical approach may make both of them rather inhibited. Virgo's rather conservative lifestyle may find Leo a bit embarrassing. In order for this relationship to work, both sides will need to adjust to accommodate the other person's needs.

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Virgo Moon with Virgo Moon

Virgo Moon with Virgo Moon

Virgo Moon and Virgo Moon have a lot in common. There is, however, such a concept as too much of a good thing. While Virgo is fastidious, practical and detail oriented, two at the same time can be overwhelming, even for Virgos.

Two Virgo Moons together will tend to focus on their flaws rather than their good points. There is no one to counteract their habit of worrying about trivial things and fear of being less than perfect. Each will demand perfection of the other. Both partners are rather unemotional, yet very sensitive. Each partner will tend to make life difficult for the other. If they can learn not to nag each other over trivial things, that is a step in the right direction.

On the good side, Virgo Moons are wonderful for lavishing care and devotion on those things and people who are important to them. Though they may not show it to the world at large, they can be very giving and thoughtful.

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Virgo Moon with Libra Moon

Virgo Moon with Libra Moon

Virgo Moon and Libra Moon may be able to make a go of it. One partner may end up being more tolerant of the other. Negative feelings seem to be magnified with this pairing.

There are many differences with this couple. Virgo Moon wants to create a home with perfect order and efficiency. Libra Moon wants to create a perfect relationship with complete equality. Virgo focuses on the details and organization of things and how best to perform tasks. Libra focuses on creating an environment free of discord and conflict. While Libra is diplomatic, there is only so much criticism they can take.

The biggest difference these two have is based on perfection. Libra sees perfection as harmonious and free of tension while Virgo sees perfection as efficiency and organization. Virgo also wants themselves to live up to their own high ideals, and it is just as difficult for them as it is for Libra. This makes them very self critical. Both partners respond in a more logical manner than emotional. If they are to make this relationship work, both partners will need to come to some sort of compromise.

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Virgo Moon with Scorpio Moon

Virgo Moon with Scorpio Moon

Virgo Moon and Scorpio Moon are fairly well matched. They share many of the same opinions and have a strong respect for each other. They also have some fundamental differences that they will need to work with in order to remain together.

Virgo Moon is logical, yet may be overly critical of themselves and others. They cannot detach themselves easily when they should just let something go. They tend to be perfectionists. Scorpio Moon is emotional, analytical and intuitive. They love secrets, and have a need to get to the root of them. Both partners may over-analyze themselves and others. They both want to improve themselves, but through different methods. Both are loyal to the end. Emotions and sex may embarrass Virgo, while Scorpio needs that intensity to feel complete. They can be good for each other if they can get over their differences.

Scorpio Moon may hide their feelings of guilt or jealousy from Virgo. They can be manipulative in a subtle way, as they feel a need to be in control. Virgo Moon appears shy and restrained, and they may not know how to deal with the intensity of Scorpio's moods. Both can be sensitive to criticism in their own ways. With work and dedication, they may keep the relationship going.

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Virgo Moon with Sagittarius Moon

Virgo Moon with Sagittarius Moon

Virgo Moon and Sagittarius Moon may or may not get along. They will have many challenges to face and one will need to make compromises to make things work out. They both approach the world from different viewpoints that may make it difficult for them to connect deeply.

Practical Virgo will have their hands full with adventurous Sagittarius. Their biggest challenge is to learn that they really aren't that different… they just see things differently. If they can manage to put themselves in each others shoes once in awhile, it will really help smooth out their relationship.

The smaller challenges will deal with practical matters. Virgo Moon will want to set a little aside for a rainy day, while Sagittarius will point out that the sky is cloudy now, so why not spend? Virgo wants everything organized and planned; Sagittarius doesn't like anything that gets in the way of their freedom and spontaneity. While the initial attraction is strong, it may prove too difficult to make it last. This will be especially true if each partner tries to convert the other over to their own way of doing things.

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Virgo Moon with Capricorn Moon

Virgo Moon with Capricorn Moon

Virgo Moon and Capricorn Moon are the best of friends the moment they meet. They can't believe their luck in finding someone who shares so many things in common. They are highly compatible, and this relationship should work out well for all concerned.

Both Virgo Moon and Capricorn Moon are organized and practical. They both work hard and want to be useful. Both are willing to forego their own desires and feelings in lieu of responsibilities. They are self-disciplined and meticulous. They are faithful, constant and don't like risks. They will happily tread the safe, logical path to financial security. Together they can have a very powerful connection. Others may view them as boring, but they feel secure and happy. They need to make sure they don't expect too much of themselves. With their self-critical tendencies, they can undermine their own work.

They do need to be wary of overwork. All work and no play will make even Virgo Moon and Capricorn Moon dull. If they can learn to relax and enjoy themselves as well as maintain their responsibilities, they will be extremely happy.

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Virgo Moon with Aquarius Moon

Virgo Moon with Aquarius Moon

Virgo Moon and Aquarius Moon may try too hard to please each other, creating an imbalance in the relationship. They have different ways of looking at the world, which may present them with a few challenges.

One of the biggest challenges they will face is the fact that Virgo Moon is practical, while Aquarius Moon thinks mostly of humanity as a whole instead of their close relationships. While Aquarius' visionary ideals may take them far afield, Virgo tends to hold down the fort.

While Virgo Moon wants a traditional home and family, Aquarius will find it easy to push them to second place. They appreciate Virgo's loyalty, but they are called to bigger things. Virgo is most happy when following a tried and true method for success, while Aquarius is more likely to try new things and experiment. Both partners can easily lose themselves in their interest of the moment.

They may both become out of touch with their own feelings and emotions. Virgo Moon may turn their criticism on themselves, blaming themselves for Aquarius' willingness to push their family life aside. On the good side, both partners can learn to expand their horizons a bit if they can understand each others perspectives a bit more.

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Virgo Moon with Pisces Moon

Virgo Moon with Pisces Moon

Virgo Moon and Pisces Moon can be a very good relationship or a very bad one. Technically these two signs are just barely compatible. If both partners are watching for intolerance or misunderstanding, they may be able to make their relationship work.

Virgo Moon is the perfect person to deal with the physical world and all its details. Pisces Moon, on the other hand, is disorganized, undisciplined and tends to have their head in the clouds. Some of these attributes may drive Virgo crazy, but they can also learn from Pisces' tolerant attitude. Likewise, Pisces could learn a thing or two about personal responsibility and boundaries from Virgo. Pisces Moon may get their feelings hurt by Virgo's critical nature. Both partners tend to be moody and pessimistic. They may both be a bit passive. If they learn to work together, they can be quite complementary to each other.

Once Virgo Moon and Pisces Moon learn to work together, their lives can run rather smoothly. Their shared introspection can help them to overcome adversity and they can divide the daily tasks according to their temperaments. They should have a lovely, nurturing home life once they iron out the kinks.

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