Mercury in Leo
Your Leo Mercury Sign

Mercury in Leo

Mercury in Leo speaks with style and authority. Some may come across as know-it-alls, but they really just want to share their knowledge with everyone else. They have a talent for seeing the big picture; but may miss the details. They are very persuasive, using warmth and goodwill. They know how to promote their ideas and get their message to the masses.

They hold their opinions very dear and take pride in their beliefs. They tend to be idealistic. Mercury in Leo has a good intellect, and they love to express themselves. In fact, creativity is very important to them. They excel in presenting themselves with drama and style. Passionate and enthusiastic when speaking, Mercury Leo is usually successful in getting their point across.

They may be oversensitive to anything they consider less than praise. They can appear rather arrogant due to their natural detachment. Mercury in Leo has their ego tied to their intellect, which sometimes makes it difficult for them to separate fact from fiction. They may be considered boastful.

Mercury in Leo is wonderful at story telling because their sense of drama is so well developed. Performing or public speaking are both good outlets for their creativity. They have a strong will power and stick to their purpose.

They make natural leaders and people are inclined to follow them because of their charisma. Leo Mercury can be stubborn, especially when crossed. They follow their passions, acting spontaneously in the moment.

In social situations, Leo Mercury's warmth is contagious and they make friends easily. When they get interested in someone and their potential, they turn their attention to developing that potential. If their heart is not in a project, it shows. They are quick witted and take intuitive leaps when thinking on their feet. They may take disagreements personally since everything they do is attached to their ego. They seek recognition for their ideas, so it is difficult for them to participate in brainstorming or other group activities.

If there is a chance to be in the spotlight, Leo Mercury is your person. They are happy to soak up the glory. They are never boring, and always "onstage." They may exaggerate at times, but they are very convincing and entertaining. They make excellent teachers, enthralling their students no matter what their age. Besides performing, they also do well in politics, coaching or other leadership roles. They do not enjoy a job where they have no voice in making decisions or any creative input.

Mercury in Leo needs to watch out for false pride, intolerance, being full of themselves and needed praise for everything they do. While their need for admiration is evident, they do deserve it a good portion of the time.

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