Mercury in Aries
Your Aries Mercury Sign

Mercury in aries

Mercury in Aries is quick thinking. They don't have a lot of patience for studying every angle to every problemÂ… they would rather make a decision and let you know. Candid and direct, they get to the point. While they may appear crude or aggressive at times, it is usually because they are trying to overcome opposition to their ideas. Like a child, it doesn't occur to them that someone may disagree with them, and so they may act out of frustration. Mercury in Aries is very attached to their ideas.

They tend to streamline their learning so they don't get too bogged down in details. They take what they want and dismiss anything they feel may be irrelevant. Mercury in Aries has a certain innocent charm. They love to begin new things, and they are very enthusiastic. Any negative criticism will be taken personally, even if it was not meant that way. They are not afraid to stand up to a challenge. While idealistic, they are very intelligent.

Aries Mercury may quickly jump from old ideas to new if they seem more exciting. They are excellent promoters. They know how to motivate people and make things sound fun. They enjoy competing with others, and may argue a point just for fun.

They are mentally agile and can think well on their feet. Obstacles in their path are terribly frustrating for them. This may bleed over to other areas in their life as well as communication. Aries Mercury is known for their impatience.

Concentration may be difficult for long periods of time. It is easy for them to jump to conclusions, and they tend to be impulsive. Witty and inventive, they are great conversationalists as long as they don't need to delve deeply into a subject. As charming as they may be, they can also be brutally honest.

They will do anything to win an argument, even with those they love. Aries Mercury can become a terrible know-it-all if this is not controlled. On the other hand, they can let their confidence inspire others with excitement. They tend to be original, and stand out in their areas of expertise. They are challenged to learn to love details and stick through projects no matter how tedious.

Opinionated almost to a fault, Mercury in Aries is quick to share theirs even when it isn't wanted. They are not blessed with a lot of tact. They are restless, and seem full of nervous energy. They need to be kept busy, and often don't seem to have any to spare. They like to do things their own way; they don't like to be told what to do. Aries Mercury can be a great leader, and even when not in such a position, they may have a handful of followers. Their excitement and enthusiasm is infectious.

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