Gemini Rising / Ascendant![]() Gemini Rising loves to learn. Curious about everything, they are always on the lookout for something that will help them socially. If someone is pestering you with questions, they probably have a Gemini Ascendant. They are restless, and often appear impatient. Their cleverness can intimidate some people, especially if they are sensitive. Gemini Rising has a wonderful talent with words which can serve them well, although they can get too caught up in their intellectual puzzles and forget about those around them. This can result in a lack of warmth when dealing with others, though this may just be a shield behind which Gemini Rising hides. Being a Sign of duality, there seems to be two different styles of Gemini Ascendants: the bubbly, talkative, eccentric one that loves to have fun, and the cool, intellectual. The first is usually very interesting and loves to explain everything around them in a constant stream of chatter, while the second is witty and clever, but comes off rather harsh at times. Regardless of the style, they will analyze everything and try to make sense of what is happening around them. Witty and charming, they always have something on their mind. They are easily distracted because they are curious about everything, and their attention spans are not known for their longevity. Their duality can show in other ways as well. Gemini Rising can appear differently to different people, both physically and intellectually. They also have a habit of saying what they think others want to hear. When they admire someone, they tend to mimic that person's personality traits or physical appearance. Gemini Rising is the original model for multi-tasking. They can do several things at the same time, while appearing to not be paying attention to any of them at all. In the same vein, they can give the impression that they are listening and understanding when in reality they are not paying attention at all. When they are attentive, they do absorb a lot of information that they are perfectly happy to share with the next person who comes along. They make excellent teachers, writers, researchers and anyone else who utilizes information. Gemini Rising does not like schedules, and they can seem to thrive in chaos. They are a natural social butterfly and will flit from one person to another at a party, mixing it up nicely. They do not allow too many people to get truly close to them because it is uncomfortable to let people into their inner circle. Gemini Ascendants like their space and freedom. They also understand their partners may like a little space as well, and do not tend to cling. They like to debate and swap ideas with others. As much as they like to use their mind, they are also gifted with their hands. They may be good at crafts, especially those that also stimulate their mental capacities. A Gemini Ascendant may end up being a "jack of all trades, master of none" if they are not cautious in controlling their desire to move to something new. Return from Gemini Rising back to Rising Signs Or