Leo Sun Sign Personality

Leo Sun Sign Symbol

The charismatic center of attention, the Leo Sun Sign personality is ambitious, dominant and full of confidence. A born leader, they are most comfortable when they are in charge, and they bring out a strong sense of loyalty in their followers. Strong-willed and independent, they often place themselves in the center ring. They may be philosophical and spiritual, even if they aren't necessarily religious. They dream big, but have a practical follow-through that inspires confidence in others. They thrive on adversity, and are idealistic. They like to make an indelible first impression. Whether that is with fashion or by choosing a gaudy appearance one won't soon forget, depends on the individual. When they get what they want, they return friendship, warmth and loyalty to those around them.

Without direction, Leo Sun Sign can be arrogant or overly controlling. Their challenge, therefore, is to conquer their own powerful nature. They can be stubborn and temperamental. Change is difficult to adjust to for them, at least at first. If jealous, they do not hesitate to use trickery or cunning to defeat their rivals. Possible negative traits include being self-centered, boastful, snobbish and disdainful. Luckily, they are usually quick to notice how others see them, and they may be able to adapt to a more likable persona. They can be their own worst enemy when they go too far trying to get attention. It may actually turn away those they hope to attract.

Leo the Lion

They are also loyal and devoted, especially in romantic relationships. At the same time, they may have numerous love affairs just because of the sensual pleasure involved. They like lots of affection and can be intensely enthusiastic. If rejected in love, they can be as ice. Once they give up on a relationship, there is no going back. They have a gregarious personality and hold marriage, family and children close to heart. They want to be the king or queen of the house and they will strive to be the best they can be. Their home will be a showplace as they use it as a backdrop for their perfect family. If you put your Leo on a pedestal, they will do all they can to keep you happy. If you try to take control, you may cause a power struggle that may end the entire relationship.

Professionally, the Leo Sun Sign does well at any occupation where they have room to advance. Politicians, managers, organizers, doctors, lawyers, teachers and project leaders are frequent career choices. Any job with a prestigious title may be attractive to them. Performing and painting may appeal to artistic Leos. They are good motivators for their team or subordinates. This Sun Sign usually does well with finances, if they manage to control their spending. They believe that looking successful will attract success. This can cause them to overspend at the wrong time or to be extravagant to stroke their ego.

The Leo Sun Sign personality responds well to compliments. If a loved one disappoints them, they are quickly disillusioned. They are extremely sensitive to criticism, and are slow to forgive. Intelligent and motivated, they work hard to make those around them comfortable as long as they feel appreciated.

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